
Mrs. Brown's Boys Live Tour: How Now Mrs. Brown Cow


It's just weeks to go to Christmas in the Brown house. The turkey is getting plucked and Grandad is getting stuffed (Or is that the other way around). Agnes is excited because her son Trevor whom she has not seen in five years has promised to pay a Christmas Visit home. However Cathy returns from her trip to America with unwelcome news, but who will tell Mammy? Rory Brown is distraught because his partner Dino has tried to drown him, Mark and Betty do their best to keep everybody calm, while nobody is sure what to do about Winnie's big box or Granddad‘s little hamster.

Release Date : 2015-11-30

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

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Alternative Titles :


Brendan O'Carroll

Character Name : Mrs Agnes Brown

Original Name : Brendan O'Carroll

Gender : Male

Jennifer Gibney

Character Name : Cathy Brown

Original Name : Jennifer Gibney

Gender : Female

Fiona O'Carroll

Character Name : Maria Brown

Original Name : Fiona O'Carroll

Gender : Female

Danny O'Carroll

Character Name : Buster Brady

Original Name : Danny O'Carroll

Gender : Male


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