
Petal to the Metal


In delivering a bouquet of flowers across town to a stunning starlet named Fawn Deer, a delirious delivery cat named Bonkers D. Bobcat turns a relatively easy assignment into a catalog of catastrophes. Racing against the clock to meet his five-minute delivery deadline, Bonkers encounters a wide array of ridiculous roadblocks, ranging from banana peels to the world's slowest taxi driver, in his frantic attempts to meet the deadline and keep his job.

Release Date : 1992-08-07

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Disney Television Animation

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Jim Cummings

Character Name : Bonkers D. Bobcat (voice)

Original Name : Jim Cummings

Gender : Male

Nancy Cartwright

Character Name : Fawn Deer (voice)

Original Name : Nancy Cartwright

Gender : Female

Rodger Bumpass

Character Name : Grumbles (voice)

Original Name : Rodger Bumpass

Gender : Male

Jeff Bennett

Character Name : Jitters A. Dog (voice)

Original Name : Jeff Bennett

Gender : Male


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