The Red Virgin
Spain, early 20th century. Hildegart is raised and educated by his mother Aurora as the subject of a social experiment, to be the first truly free woman in the world, the one who will lead humanity into a new era; and, in order to achieve this goal, is insanely loved… until the moment when she becomes a young and gifted woman and actually tries to fly freely, away from the oppressive nest of her creator and guardian.
Release Date : 2011-09-18
Language :GermanEnglish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : CanadaSpain
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Hildegart Rodríguez
Original Name : Ivana Baquero
Gender : Female
Character Name : Aurora Rodríguez
Original Name : Maribel Verdú
Gender : Female
Character Name : Younger Hildegart
Original Name : Ainara Nieto
Gender : Male
Character Name : Rosa
Original Name : Arancha de Juan
Gender : Male
Character Name : Midwife
Original Name : Teresa Mencía
Gender : Male
Character Name : Gregorio Marañón
Original Name : Carlos Bravo
Gender : Male
Character Name : Havelock Ellis
Original Name : Julio Perillán
Gender : Male
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