
The Find


Learn to forgive others, and get forgiveness to yourself. In the forgotten taiga village lives a gloomy and unsociable Trofim Rusanov, senior fishing inspector. He is used to the fact that each day is filled with routine. But one day, on his usual round through the wood, Trofim faces a shocking discovery. He finds a baby in an abandoned forest house. For several days he wanders around the severe uninhabited taiga, fighting both for his life and the life of the little child. Finally, Trofim finds the way home... He wants to find a woman who left a baby in the forest. It takes for him a superhuman effort to find the baby's mother. But this long quest leads him to another, completely different find

Release Date : 2015-12-03

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Talan Film CompanyProduction Centre D. K.

Production Country : Russia

Alternative Titles :


Aleksey Guskov

Character Name : Trofim

Original Name : Алексей Гуськов

Gender : Male

Nadezhda Markina

Character Name : Trofim's wife

Original Name : Надежда Маркина

Gender : Female

Anastasiya Shevelyova

Character Name : A girl

Original Name : Anastasiya Shevelyova

Gender : Male

Stanislav Kisilevskiy

Character Name : Fedor

Original Name : Stanislav Kisilevskiy

Gender : Male

Mariya Sokova

Character Name : Nataly

Original Name : Мария Сокова

Gender : Female

Egor Kharlamov

Character Name :

Original Name : Egor Kharlamov

Gender : Male

Anatoli Uzdenskiy

Character Name :

Original Name : Анатолий Узденский

Gender : Male

Marat Serazhetdinov

Character Name :

Original Name : Marat Serazhetdinov

Gender : Male

Aleksey Vertkov

Character Name :

Original Name : Алексей Вертков

Gender : Male

Vladimir Shulga

Character Name :

Original Name : Владимир Шульга

Gender : Male

Мария Бурова

Character Name :

Original Name : Мария Бурова

Gender : Male

Lidiya Bairashevskaya

Character Name :

Original Name : Lidiya Bairashevskaya

Gender : Female

Pyotr Markin

Character Name :

Original Name : Pyotr Markin

Gender : Male

Mariya Karpova

Character Name :

Original Name : Мария Карпова

Gender : Female


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