
In Bed with Victoria


Victoria is a thirty-something divorced lawyer who's struggling to raise her two daughters. She is canny and cynical but on the verge of an emotional breakdown. At a friend's wedding she reconnects with Vincent, an old friend, and Sam, an old client. Her life is about to take a new turn.

Release Date : 2016-09-14

Language :EnglishFrench

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : France 2 CinémaEcce Films

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Virginie Efira

Character Name : Victoria Spick

Original Name : Virginie Efira

Gender : Female

Vincent Lacoste

Character Name : Samuel Mallet

Original Name : Vincent Lacoste

Gender : Male

Melvil Poupaud

Character Name : Vincent Kossarski

Original Name : Melvil Poupaud

Gender : Male

Laurent Poitrenaux

Character Name : David

Original Name : Laurent Poitrenaux

Gender : Male

Laure Calamy

Character Name : Christelle, Victoria's Lawyer

Original Name : Laure Calamy

Gender : Female

Alice Daquet

Character Name : Eve

Original Name : Alice Daquet

Gender : Male

Julie Moulier

Character Name : Judge

Original Name : Julie Moulier

Gender : Female

Elsa Wolliaston

Character Name : Clairvoyant

Original Name : Elsa Wolliaston

Gender : Male

Sophie Fillières

Character Name : Sophie

Original Name : Sophie Fillières

Gender : Female

Liv Harari

Character Name : Liv

Original Name : Liv Harari

Gender : Male

Jeane Arra-Bellanger

Character Name : Jeanne

Original Name : Jeane Arra-Bellanger

Gender : Male

Hector Obalk

Character Name : President of the Paris Court

Original Name : Hector Obalk

Gender : Male

Anthony Paliotti

Character Name : President of the Disciplinary Council

Original Name : Anthony Paliotti

Gender : Male

Pierre Maillet

Character Name : Psychologist

Original Name : Pierre Maillet

Gender : Male

Claire Burger

Character Name : Leslie Chevalier

Original Name : Claire Burger

Gender : Female

Aurélien Bellanger

Character Name : Wedding Table Neighbor

Original Name : Aurélien Bellanger

Gender : Male

Arthur Harari

Character Name : Chimpanzee Trainer

Original Name : Arthur Harari

Gender : Male

Vincent Dietschy

Character Name : Acupuncturist

Original Name : Vincent Dietschy

Gender : Male

Sabrina Seyvecou

Character Name : Suzanna

Original Name : Sabrina Seyvecou

Gender : Female

Thomas Lévy-Lasne

Character Name : Axel

Original Name : Thomas Lévy-Lasne

Gender : Male

Noémie Veissier

Character Name : Victoria's Client

Original Name : Noémie Veissier

Gender : Female

Denis Eyriey

Character Name : One-Night Stand 1

Original Name : Denis Eyriey

Gender : Male

Marc Ruchmann

Character Name : One-Night Stand 2

Original Name : Marc Ruchmann

Gender : Male

Philip Vormwald

Character Name : One-Night Stand 3

Original Name : Philip Vormwald

Gender : Male

Nicolas Anthomé

Character Name : Doctor

Original Name : Nicolas Anthomé

Gender : Male

Etienne Beurier

Character Name : Cop

Original Name : Etienne Beurier

Gender : Male

Antoine Bueno

Character Name : Veterinary Expert

Original Name : Antoine Bueno

Gender : Male

Georges Sauveur

Character Name : Maître Mazzeti

Original Name : Georges Sauveur

Gender : Male

Vincent Sornaga

Character Name : Cameraman

Original Name : Vincent Sornaga

Gender : Male

Marc-Antoine Vaugeois

Character Name : Blogger Leader

Original Name : Marc-Antoine Vaugeois

Gender : Male

Pierre Maillard

Character Name : Blogger Leader

Original Name : Pierre Maillard

Gender : Male

Romain Charbon

Character Name : Fred

Original Name : Romain Charbon

Gender : Male

Vera Čupić-Vojnović

Character Name : Babysitter

Original Name : Vera Čupić-Vojnović

Gender : Male

Sarah Lancman

Character Name : Piano Double

Original Name : Sarah Lancman

Gender : Male

David Benhamou

Character Name : Member of the Audience (uncredited)

Original Name : David Benhamou

Gender : Male

Emmanuelle Lanfray

Character Name : Lawyer (uncredited)

Original Name : Emmanuelle Lanfray

Gender : Male






"Victoria" (Virginie Efira) hasn't her problems to seek! She's a divorced lawyer with custody of two children and a messy and fairly fluid love life. She manages to fall out with her baby sitter and so is even more stretched when the tousled young "Sam" (Vincent Lacoste) - an aspiring lawyer himself, offers to help her out. He will be her cook and bottle washer, mind the children and work with her - all for free! Suspicious, she gives him a week but soon he proves his worth and becomes a bit of an anchor for her increasingly complicated life. These complications emanate from her decision to sue her ex (the father of the children) for using her career as a template for his popular and salacious blog, and also from defending a friend and potential murderer (Melvil Poupaud) in a criminal trial that also involves another friend, too. The scene now set, this could have been quite a good scenario for Efira and the charismatic Lacoste, but the writing really lets it down. The story lurches from frying pan to not very humorous fire just once too often, the romantic melodrama is all just a bit passé and were it not for an outstanding effort from a Dalmatian with taste and a chimp adept with an iPhone, the humour would be distinctly lacking. The odd calamity in the plot would have been welcome, but here there are just too many implausibles and not enough comedy. Laure Calamy has a bit of fun as her defending counsel - French law courts are always so much more flamboyant and lively than British ones, but sadly she's not on screen often enough to make much difference. It's watchable enough, but just not that special.