Litchi Hikari Club
The year is 2XXX and Keiko Town is an over-industrialized stretch of blackened factories pumping out thick layers of smoke that cast it in a perpetual state of semi-darkness. The citizens of Keiko Town fare no better and walk around their dilapidated town in a stupor of hopeless despair. In an abandoned factory in an obscure corner of town lies the secret base of Hikari Club. The teenage boys of Hikari Club despise the adults of their community and have taken it upon themselves to eradicate what they perceive to be the evil and filth of the grown-up world. To accomplish this, they build a machine with artificial intelligence and dub it “Litchi”. However, with the boys on the cusp of puberty and turning into adults themselves, their own world has begun to collapse around them.
Release Date : 2016-02-13
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Nikkatsu Corporation
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Zera
Original Name : 古川雄輝
Gender : Male
Character Name : Tamiya
Original Name : 野村周平
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kanon
Original Name : 中条あやみ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Jyaibo
Original Name : 間宮祥太朗
Gender : Male
Character Name : Niko
Original Name : 池田純矢
Gender : Male
Character Name : Raizo
Original Name : 松田凌
Gender : Male
Character Name : Dentaku
Original Name : 戸塚純貴
Gender : Male
Character Name : Dafu
Original Name : 柾木玲弥
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kaneda
Original Name : 藤原季節
Gender : Male
Character Name : Yakobu
Original Name : 岡山天音
Gender : Male
Character Name : Litchi (voice)
Original Name : 杉田智和
Gender : Male
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