
Spirit of the Game


In the lead up to the 1956 Olympic games, a group of missionaries are tasked with helping the fledgling Australian basketball team compete in their first ever Olympics, and in doing so, unite a nation still coming to grips after the war.

Release Date : 2016-10-08

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : KW FilmsMcLaren HouseJaggi Entertainment

Production Country : Australia

Alternative Titles :


Aaron Jakubenko

Character Name : Delyle Condie

Original Name : Aaron Jakubenko

Gender : Male

Kevin Sorbo

Character Name : Parley Condie

Original Name : Kevin Sorbo

Gender : Male

Anna McGahan

Character Name : Elspeth

Original Name : Anna McGahan

Gender : Female

Wade Briggs

Character Name : Don Hull

Original Name : Wade Briggs

Gender : Male

Hannah Cliff

Character Name : Norma Condie

Original Name : Hannah Cliff

Gender : Female

Emilie Cocquerel

Character Name : Emily

Original Name : Emilie Cocquerel

Gender : Female



Simon Foster

@Simon Foster


"Spirit of The Game has the gentle touch of a experienced preacher who knows that the best way to convey a message of salvation is to allow the congregation to feel it dawn upon them..." Read the full review here: http://screen-space.squarespace.com/reviews/2016/10/13/spirit-of-the-game.html