

- Being alive while dead is a problem...

Chan-soo (Park Jae-hoon) has been in a vegetative state ever since the accident 3 years ago. He feels everything through his ears and time never goes by, as he's in bed all day. The only fun thing is when the people around him talk about their secrets. He then thinks about what they say all they and predicts what might happen or the results. He then hopes unfairness makes his imaginations as fancy as possible...

Release Date : 2014-12-24

Language :Korean

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles : Fantastic


Park Jae-hoon

Character Name : Chan-soo

Original Name : Park Jae-hoon

Gender : Male

Choi Sung-hee

Character Name : Hyeon-jeong

Original Name : Choi Sung-hee

Gender : Female

Jung Wook

Character Name : Chan-yeong

Original Name : Jung Wook

Gender : Male

Kim Mi-yeon

Character Name : Yeon-mi

Original Name : Kim Mi-yeon

Gender : Male

Han Sung-sik

Character Name : Doctor Kim

Original Name : Han Sung-sik

Gender : Male

Lee Sol-gu

Character Name : Min-goo

Original Name : Lee Sol-gu

Gender : Male

Yoon Sul-hee

Character Name : Registered nurse

Original Name : Yoon Sul-hee

Gender : Female


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