My Friend's Older Sister
- "Do you want to live in my house?"Living with my friend's hot sister!
Joon-soo learns that his friend Hee-gyu's sister Hee-jin has no where to go after being scammed, so he suggests living with him. The two start living together. They are close like brother and sister but they can never be that. The two start getting funny and Joon-soo can't go to sleep at the thought of Hee-jin sleeping just a wall away from him. Mi-na, Joon-soo's girlfriend notices Joon-soo changing and seduces Joon-soo at his house where Hee-jin is. Is it the girlfriend or the sister?
Release Date : 2016-03-10
Language :Korean
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : South Korea
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Hee-jin (희진)
Original Name : Park Cho-hyeon
Gender : Female
Character Name : Joon-soo (준수)
Original Name : Min Joon
Gender : Male
Character Name : Jae-seok (재석
Original Name : Joo In-cheol
Gender : Male
Character Name : Hee-gyoo (희규)
Original Name : Seo Joon-yeol
Gender : Male
Character Name : Head of department (부장)
Original Name : Lee Kyeong-joon
Gender : Male
Character Name : Stockings girl (스타킹 녀)
Original Name : Hong Doo-ri
Gender : Male
Character Name : Joon-soo's mom - Special appearance
Original Name : Ah Ri
Gender : Female
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