From the Snow
This highly acclaimed drama from Greek writer/director Sotiris Goritsas, inspired by the Sotiris Dimitriou short story, represented Greece as an official selection for the 1994 Cannes Film Festival Directors' Fortnight. It concerns two young Greek men seeking refuge in Albania. Thomas (Vassilis Eleftheriadis) and Achilleas (Ierassimos Skiadaeressis) make an illegal late-night run at the Greek border, joined by young Nikos (Antonis Manolas), a child whose mother had been killed by Albanian guards. Returning to Athens, they find that the land they had missed and dreamed of so often has changed, refusing to accept the returning refugees or even see them as Greek -- the locals refer to the trio as "Albanians" throughout the film. Demoralized and disillusioned, Thomas is accidentally killed while working at a building site to make ends meet, and Achilleas and Nikos decide to return to their Albanian village rather than stay in an Athens, which clearly has no place for them anymore.
Release Date : 1993-03-16
Language :AlbanianGreek
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Greek Film CentreHyperion
Production Country : Greece
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Ahilleas Nasios
Original Name : Γεράσιμος Σκιαδαρέσης
Gender : Male
Character Name : Thomas Lekkas
Original Name : Βασίλης Ελευθεριάδης
Gender : Male
Character Name : Nikos
Original Name : Andonis Manolas
Gender : Male
Character Name : Katerina Drosou
Original Name : Μάνια Παπαδημητρίου
Gender : Female
Character Name : Alkis Katsaris
Original Name : Λάζαρος Ανδρέου
Gender : Male
Character Name : Boss
Original Name : Μενέλαος Ντάφλος
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Παύλος Φωλτίδης
Gender : Male
Character Name : Police Officer at Agrinio
Original Name : Έκτωρ Καλούδης
Gender : Male
Character Name : Hotel Clerk
Original Name : Βασίλης Καμίτσης
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Βασιλεία Καβούκα
Gender : Female
Character Name : Despina
Original Name : Μαρία Κυριάκη
Gender : Female
Character Name : TV Salesman
Original Name : Αλέκος Μάνδυλας
Gender : Male
Character Name : Makis
Original Name : Δημήτρης Μαυρόπουλος
Gender : Male
Character Name : Border-Policeman
Original Name : Ανδρέας Νάτσιος
Gender : Male
Character Name : Grandma Dimitra
Original Name : Σοφία Ολυμπίου
Gender : Female
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