
The Compass Rose


Exiled Chilean director Patricio Guzmán filmed in Cuba and in Venezuela to create this controversial statement on the creation and survival of Latin American culture from the late-15th century to the present. For some viewers, the film will be superficially symbolic and rhetorical, for others, it will be a strong and personal vision of several centuries of history.

Release Date : 1983-03-19

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : ICAICDepartamento de Cine de la Universidad de los Andes

Production Country : CubaSpainVenezuela

Alternative Titles :


Patxi Andión

Character Name : Sr. Haller

Original Name : Patxi Andión

Gender : Male

Gloria Laso

Character Name : Sra. Haller

Original Name : Gloria Laso

Gender : Female

Fernando Birri

Character Name : Mateo

Original Name : Fernando Birri

Gender : Male

Héctor Noguera

Character Name :

Original Name : Héctor Noguera

Gender : Male

Nelson Villagra

Character Name :

Original Name : Nelson Villagra

Gender : Male


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