


The 50-minute "Madagascar" has the resonance and eloquence of the best poetry, as it deftly turns an adolescent's search for identity into a metaphor for socialist Cuba. Laura is a professor at a shabby, stultifying college. Her daughter, Laurita, stops going to school, wishes to move to Madagascar and quickly races through several phases. One day, she looks like a heavy-metal fan, another like a bohemian who weeps at poetry and art. Slowly, she crosses the line from ordinary adolescent confusion to intense neurosis and beyond, finally becoming so obsessed with religion and good works that she brings 10 homeless children into the cramped house she shares with her mother and grandmother.

Release Date : 1995-03-01

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : ICAIC

Production Country : Cuba

Alternative Titles :


Zaida Castellanos

Character Name : Laura

Original Name : Zaida Castellanos

Gender : Male

Laura de la Uz

Character Name : Laurita

Original Name : Laura de la Uz

Gender : Female

Elena Bolaños

Character Name : Abuela

Original Name : Elena Bolaños

Gender : Male

Jorge Molina

Character Name : Molina

Original Name : Jorge Molina

Gender : Male

Ramón Brito

Character Name : Alberto

Original Name : Ramón Brito

Gender : Male

Susana Alonso

Character Name : Mercedes

Original Name : Susana Alonso

Gender : Female

Yolanda Ruiz

Character Name : Profesora I

Original Name : Yolanda Ruiz

Gender : Male

Carmen Rivera

Character Name : Profesora II

Original Name : Carmen Rivera

Gender : Male

Nancy Rodriguez

Character Name : Profesora III

Original Name : Nancy Rodriguez

Gender : Female

Roberto Delgado

Character Name : Catedrático

Original Name : Roberto Delgado

Gender : Male

Jose Ramon Vigo

Character Name : Inspector

Original Name : Jose Ramon Vigo

Gender : Male

Basilio Garcia

Character Name : Basilio

Original Name : Basilio Garcia

Gender : Male

Laura Baluja

Character Name : Comecol I

Original Name : Laura Baluja

Gender : Male

Armando Zambrano

Character Name : Comecol II

Original Name : Armando Zambrano

Gender : Male

Reynaldo Rojas

Character Name : Comecol III

Original Name : Reynaldo Rojas

Gender : Male

Jose A. Rojas

Character Name : Comecol IV

Original Name : Jose A. Rojas

Gender : Male


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