
Winter's Bone

- Talking just causes witnesses.

After discovering her father put their house up for his bail bond and then disappeared, 17-year-old Ree Dolly must confront the local criminal underworld and the harsh Ozark wilderness in order to to track down her father and save her family.

Release Date : 2010-06-11

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Anonymous ContentWinter's Bone ProductionsFortissimo Films

Production Country : NetherlandsUnited States of America

Alternative Titles :


Jennifer Lawrence

Character Name : Ree Dolly

Original Name : Jennifer Lawrence

Gender : Female

John Hawkes

Character Name : Teardrop

Original Name : John Hawkes

Gender : Male

Kevin Breznahan

Character Name : Little Arthur

Original Name : Kevin Breznahan

Gender : Male

Dale Dickey

Character Name : Merab

Original Name : Dale Dickey

Gender : Female

Garret Dillahunt

Character Name : Sheriff Baskin

Original Name : Garret Dillahunt

Gender : Male

Sheryl Lee

Character Name : April

Original Name : Sheryl Lee

Gender : Female

Shelley Waggener

Character Name : Sonya

Original Name : Shelley Waggener

Gender : Female

Isaiah Stone

Character Name : Sonny

Original Name : Isaiah Stone

Gender : Male

Lauren Sweetser

Character Name : Gail

Original Name : Lauren Sweetser

Gender : Female

Ashlee Thompson

Character Name : Ashlee

Original Name : Ashlee Thompson

Gender : Male

Valerie Richards

Character Name : Connie

Original Name : Valerie Richards

Gender : Female

Cinnamon Schultz

Character Name : Victoria

Original Name : Cinnamon Schultz

Gender : Female

Casey MacLaren

Character Name : Megan

Original Name : Casey MacLaren

Gender : Male

Tate Taylor

Character Name : Satterfield

Original Name : Tate Taylor

Gender : Male

Ronnie Hall

Character Name : Thump Milton

Original Name : Ronnie Hall

Gender : Male

Cody Brown

Character Name : Floyd

Original Name : Cody Brown

Gender : Male

William White

Character Name : Blond Milton

Original Name : William White

Gender : Male

Beth Domann

Character Name : Alice

Original Name : Beth Domann

Gender : Male

Charlotte Jeane Lucas

Character Name : Tilly

Original Name : Charlotte Jeane Lucas

Gender : Male

Ramona Blair

Character Name : Parenting Teacher

Original Name : Ramona Blair

Gender : Male

Russell Schalk

Character Name : Army Recruiter

Original Name : Russell Schalk

Gender : Male

Marideth Sisco

Character Name : Singer at Party

Original Name : Marideth Sisco

Gender : Male

Isaac Skidmore

Character Name : Baby Ned

Original Name : Isaac Skidmore

Gender : Male



Andres Gomez



Really good thriller/drama. Cast and direction are impressive, the script is round and the depicting of the surroundings is really genuine.





There are some really plausible performances in this quite chilling drama. It's all about "Ree" (Jennifer Lawrence) whose life is turned upside down when her dad uses their mountain-side home as collateral for a bail bond, then promptly skips the scene. "Ree" is left in the lurch, made worse by having to care for her clinically depressed mother and her younger brother and sister. Now she knows that he's mixed up with a local, pretty lucrative, meth lab and so not only might they be facing eviction but with his absconding, what little cash the family did have has dried up too. Luckily, neighbour "Sonya" (Shelley Waggener) chips in to help them out but she's still got to find "Jessup" and that's going to involve dealing with uncle "Teardrop" (John Hawkes) of whom she's pretty terrified. When folks start to think he's dead, or left the state, she finds the clock ticking and the dense Ozark terrain presenting quite a challenge if she is to track him down. It's not the greatest or most original of stories but Lawrence and Hawkes deliver strongly and the gorgeous photography amidst the ancient woodlands - complete with some creative audio effects and a score that does engender some degree of menace - all build to quite a potent climax. It perhaps doesn't show off the finer sides of their rural community as moonshine has clearly been succeeded on the ladder of valuable illicit commodities, and those involved in the manufacture and distribution of this new drug are quite prepared to do what is necessary to keep their supply chain going - with few scruples!