
Wizard Mode


Mastering classic pinball arcade games requires focus, agility and dedication. Robert Gagno has all these traits. It might explain why he surged from a complete unknown to one of the world's best players in five years. The achievement is even more impressive considering he was diagnosed with autism at age three. His success on the pinball circuit made him part of a community that provided acceptance and encouragement. With his parents' support and determination, Robert has exceeded every expectation placed upon him. As he approaches adulthood, his next challenge is to become more self-sufficient and gain his independence. From high-stakes tournaments across the continent to his day-to-day search for employment, we follow Robert's persistent progression to overcome obstacles and manage the highs of success and lows of falling short. In Wizard Mode, flashing lights and triple combos highlight an outstanding individual who continues to beat the odds and set records.

Release Date : 2016-05-02

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Salazar Film

Production Country : Canada

Alternative Titles :


Robert Gagno

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Robert Gagno

Gender : Male

Maurizio Gagno

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Maurizio Gagno

Gender : Male

Kathy Gagno

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Kathy Gagno

Gender : Male


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