

- Pretty Sally Mae died a very unnatural death...But the worst hasn't happened to her yet!

A man living in rural Wisconsin takes care of his bed-ridden mother, who is very domineering and teaches him that all women are evil. After she dies, he misses her, and a year later digs her up and takes her home. He learns about taxidermy and begins robbing graves to get materials to patch her up, and inevitably begins looking for fresher sources of materials. Based closely on the true story of Ed Gein.

Release Date : 1974-02-02

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : American International PicturesKarr International Pictures

Production Country : CanadaUnited States of America

Alternative Titles : Deranged: Confessions of a Necrophile


Roberts Blossom

Character Name : Ezra Cobb

Original Name : Roberts Blossom

Gender : Male

Cosette Lee

Character Name : Ma Cobb

Original Name : Cosette Lee

Gender : Female

Leslie Carlson

Character Name : Tom Sims

Original Name : Leslie Carlson

Gender : Male

Robert Warner

Character Name : Harlon Kootz

Original Name : Robert Warner

Gender : Male

Marcia Diamond

Character Name : Jenny Kootz

Original Name : Marcia Diamond

Gender : Female

Brian Smeagle

Character Name : Brad Kootz

Original Name : Brian Smeagle

Gender : Male

Arlene Gillen

Character Name : Miss Johnson

Original Name : Arlene Gillen

Gender : Male

Robert McHeady

Character Name : Sheriff

Original Name : Robert McHeady

Gender : Male

Marian Waldman

Character Name : Maureen Selby

Original Name : Marian Waldman

Gender : Female

Micki Moore

Character Name : Mary

Original Name : Micki Moore

Gender : Female

Pat Orr

Character Name : Sally

Original Name : Pat Orr

Gender : Male



John Chard

@John Chard


Mama? Mama? Deranged is brought to us by Alan Ormsby and Jeff Gillen. It's a telling of the Ed Gein story, the Plainfield Ghoul who in the 1950s shocked small town Americana to its very core. The names have been changed to, protect, well no that's not true, it's a product of its time is why, but this is an Ed Gein film, and it's a troubling and worthy piece of art in equal measure. Certain instances have been spruced up for poetic licence, but the core essence of Gein and his madness exists wholesale. Roberts Blossom plays Gein (as Ezra Cobb), a man so tied to his mama's apron strings that when she leaves the mortal coil he refuses to acknowledge said fact. Cue grave robbing, morbid scenario settings and murder. Operating on a low budget, Gillen and Ormsby do a sterling job of not letting their film come off as cheap exploitation. Tom Savini's effects work is a little crude when viewed now (he would become a legend in his field soon afterwards), but this unfurls in stylish and professional manner. With great acting by Blossoms, nifty camera work, a dark sense of humour and a chilling underplaying of key scenes leading the way, this is a fine entry in the serial killer movie pantheon. 7/10