HistoryTV MovieDocumentary

Jesse Owens Returns to Berlin


The rise of National Socialism in Germany and Hitler’s anti-semitic policies and advocation of the superiority of the Aryan race resulted in several calls for a boycott of the games. Against this political backdrop, Jesse Owens’ haul of four gold medals is all the more significant. For a black athlete to demonstrate clearly his superior athleticism and so convincingly outperform his white counterparts was a massive slap in the face for Hitler and made a mockery of his racist theories during his Nazi showpiece games. Standing in the box at the Olympiastadion where Hitler sat to watch the games, Jesse Owens tells with pride that the flag of the US team was the only one not to be dipped as the athletes passed the Führer. (andberlin.com)

Release Date : 1966-01-01

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Canada

Alternative Titles :


Jesse Owens

Character Name : Host / Narrator

Original Name : Jesse Owens

Gender : Male

Kai Long

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Kai Long

Gender : Male


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