The Sion Sono
Directed by Arata Oshima, son of rebel filmmaker Nagisa Oshima, who had praised Sono's early work before his passing, this documentary gives insight into the man, the poet, the painter, the scriptwriter, the husband and the boy who will eventually grow up to be the Sion Sono. Lineage, history and the past meeting the present are themes in this film in which Oshima connects the dots in Sono's creative life by taking the camera to the site of his upbringing and following the production of his most recent film The Whispering Star.
Release Date : 2016-05-14
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Self
Original Name : 園子温
Gender : Male
Character Name : Self
Original Name : 染谷将太
Gender : Male
Character Name : Self
Original Name : 二階堂ふみ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Self
Original Name : 神楽坂恵
Gender : Female
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