
Play the Devil


Set against the backdrop of Trinidad and Tobago’s mystical Carnival, a gifted and struggling young man becomes the object of intrigue for an older, well-meaning businessman until their worlds collide.

Release Date : 2016-06-04

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Breaking Glass Pictures

Production Country : Trinidad and Tobago

Alternative Titles :


Petrice Jones

Character Name : Gregory

Original Name : Petrice Jones

Gender : Male

Gareth Jenkins

Character Name : James Young

Original Name : Gareth Jenkins

Gender : Male

Akil Nickolas

Character Name : Devin

Original Name : Akil Nickolas

Gender : Male

Penelope Spencer

Character Name : Grandma

Original Name : Penelope Spencer

Gender : Male






Petrice Jones plays this rather well as an 18 year old Trinidadian that befriends a wealthy local man who becomes infatuated with him. The storyline takes it's time and to be honest, it doesn't really go anywhere before an ending that really rather lets it all down a bit. The potential to get to the bottom of the relationship between the two men - which is, to a certain extent, reciprocal - is underdeveloped, but there is an integrity about Jones' performance that helps carry the production which must have been done on a shoestring budget. It also manages to show us some of the beauty of the islands and of the people. There is potential from this for both the actor and director Maria Govan - it's a good start.