
Haunted School: The Curse of the Word Spirit


Ayano, Miyu, Yuri and Mei are high school students. They learn about a fatal gas accident which occurred at a school in the past. The girls then experience unusual occurrences like hearing breathing from closed classrooms and seeing a person's shadow. Hitomi then sneaks into an abandoned school to shoot a horror video for the internet. Hitomi hears from her colleague Kimio about a fox's window which leads to the spirit world.

Release Date : 2014-05-23

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : LT Corporation

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles : School Ghost Stories: The Curse of the Word SpiritKotodama – Spiritual CurseHaunted School 5School Ghost Stories 5


Hitomi Arai

Character Name : Hitomi

Original Name : Hitomi Arai

Gender : Female

Shono Hayama

Character Name : Yuji

Original Name : 葉山奨之

Gender : Male

Kai Inowaki

Character Name : Mitsuo

Original Name : 井之脇海

Gender : Male

Anna Ishibashi

Character Name : Shiori

Original Name : 石橋杏奈

Gender : Female

Ayano Konishi

Character Name : Ayano

Original Name : Ayano Konishi

Gender : Female

Tatsuya Kuroki

Character Name : Kimio

Original Name : 黒木辰哉

Gender : Male

Yuri Nakae

Character Name : Yuri

Original Name : 中江有里

Gender : Female

Mei Shoji

Character Name : Mei

Original Name : Mei Shoji

Gender : Female

Kouhei Takeda

Character Name : Ikki

Original Name : 武田航平

Gender : Male

Miyu Yamabe

Character Name : Miyu

Original Name : Miyu Yamabe

Gender : Female


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