
All Girls Weekend

- Nature is a bitch

High school friends reunite after many years to spend a weekend in the mountains, but when everything goes wrong, there is no time for girl bonding.

Release Date : 2016-07-12

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Ash FilmsWhite Lotus Productions

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Jamie Bernadette

Character Name : Nancy

Original Name : Jamie Bernadette

Gender : Female

Katie Carpenter

Character Name : Daniella

Original Name : Katie Carpenter

Gender : Female

Gema Calero

Character Name : Gem

Original Name : Gema Calero

Gender : Female

Karishma Lakhani

Character Name : Stephanie

Original Name : Karishma Lakhani

Gender : Female

Sharron Calvin

Character Name : Annie

Original Name : Sharron Calvin

Gender : Female

Michele Gourdine

Character Name : Woman

Original Name : Michele Gourdine

Gender : Female

Hannah Gourdine

Character Name : Girl

Original Name : Hannah Gourdine

Gender : Female

Elana Jo Gann

Character Name : Zip Lining Guide

Original Name : Elana Jo Gann

Gender : Female

Lou Simon

Character Name : Dead Woman

Original Name : Lou Simon

Gender : Female






_**The woods are lovely, dark and deep**_ Five young women take a hike in the woods in northern Georgia during the mild winter. They face mysterious injuries and worse. Why? "All Girls Weekend" (2016) is a low-budget indie adventure/horror that combines elements of “The Blair Witch Project” (1999), “The Edge” (1997) and “The Woods” (2006). It’s not great like “The Edge” but it’s about on par with the other two despite its low-rent status. The acting is shaky at first, but the no-name cast rises to the challenge. None of the women are babelicious, but they’re a’right with Gem (GiGi Calero) and Dani (Katie Carpenter) kinda fetching. Nancy (Jamie Bernadette) is a little reminiscent of Ensign Ro from TNG, albeit with three-times the attitude. Fortunately, she becomes more human as the story progresses. The sylvan fall/winter locations are gorgeous, especially the early overhead shot and the Boerum Mill ruins; meanwhile the score is proficient. One critic complained about the supposedly amateurish editing (e.g. the camera turns to an actor, pauses; she talks. Then cuts to the next actor, pauses; and she talks). Actually, everything flowed well as far as this goes; editing is only an issue when it annoyingly calls attention to itself. There’s more to the story than first meets the eye; good job on this front. Whether or not you like the movie depends on if you appreciate lost-in-the-woods type stories. I do and enjoyed quite a bit of it, but some parts are kinda dull or unpalatable and the movie needed the presence of a standout actress to draw the viewer’s attention. The film runs 1 hour, 25 minutes, and was shot in northern Georgia (Cumming, Marietta, Buford, East Point & Atlanta). GRADE: C