I Met Him in the ZOO
There are two different boys in the zoo. Ivoš is a small wrestler who wanders himself in the barracks when a blind boy throws it and squeezes it with lemonade. Out of a primordial friendship will spring up. Both of them love animals, and Ivoš decides to involve Sleppo, as he tells him, into the common child's world. It sneezes it to the animals and allows him to touch the turtles, elephants or camel - the animals he knew at the time only by the sounds.
Release Date : 1994-10-13
Language :Czech
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Barrandov Studio
Production Country : Czech Republic
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Slepon
Original Name : Petr Franc
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ivos
Original Name : Lukáš Janota
Gender : Male
Character Name : Máta
Original Name : Lucie Čechová
Gender : Female
Character Name : Jozínek
Original Name : Ondřej Kapusta
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ondra
Original Name : František Marek
Gender : Male
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