
I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House

- In the middle of life and death...

A young nurse takes care of an elderly author who lives in a haunted house.

Release Date : 2016-09-10

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Eggplant PicturesParis Film ProductionZed FilmworksGo Insane Films

Production Country : CanadaUnited States of America

Alternative Titles :


Ruth Wilson

Character Name : Lily

Original Name : Ruth Wilson

Gender : Female

Paula Prentiss

Character Name : Iris Blum

Original Name : Paula Prentiss

Gender : Female

Bob Balaban

Character Name : Mr. Waxcap

Original Name : Bob Balaban

Gender : Male

Lucy Boynton

Character Name : Polly Parsons

Original Name : Lucy Boynton

Gender : Female

Brad Milne

Character Name : Edward Bird

Original Name : Brad Milne

Gender : Male

Daniel Chichagov

Character Name : Mr. Darling

Original Name : Daniel Chichagov

Gender : Male

Erin Boyes

Character Name : Young Iris

Original Name : Erin Boyes

Gender : Female

Beatrix Perkins

Character Name : Wendy

Original Name : Beatrix Perkins

Gender : Female

James Perkins

Character Name : John

Original Name : James Perkins

Gender : Male






If your average film is a storybook put to screen, then _I Am The Pretty Thing_ is a poem put to screen. I can appreciate that they were trying something different here, but I was never much for poetry. _Final rating:★★ - Definitely not for me, but I sort of get the appeal._