Earthed 2 - Never Enough Dirt
- Never Enough Dirt
Following hot on the heels of the award-winning Earthed video comes its sequel, Earthed 2 Never Enough Dirt, filmed and produced by Alex Rankin. Earthed 2: Never Enough Dirt was filmed all over the world to capture the planets fastest riders ripping up the best riding spots available. We traveled all over Europe, the USA and Canada riding backyard trails, gnarly singletrack, North Shore facilities and mountainous downhill tracks. Blowing out berms, launching huge transfers, and hitting fast sections this is bicycles and dirt at its finest! Earthed 2 also follows the World Cup Downhill race scene, NORBA races and the 2004 World Championships from Les Gets, along with the finest races Europe has to offer with unparalleled coverage from start gate to finish line, behind the scenes in the pits and at the bar during the after-parties. Downhill mountain bike races, 4-cross races and BMX racing all on this new video! Earthed 2 will make you want to go ride and ride hard.
Release Date : 2005-04-01
Language :
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : John Cowan
Original Name : John Cowan
Gender : Male
Character Name : Dave Wardell
Original Name : Dave Willock
Gender : Male
Character Name : Brian Reid
Original Name : Brian Reid
Gender : Male
Character Name : Nathan Rennie
Original Name : Nathan Rennie
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mik Hannah
Original Name : Hannah Maag
Gender : Male
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