Murderous Tales
MURDEROUS TALES is a special effect animated feature film combining live actors with 3D/2D animation, puppets and back projection. It contains three stories: Antonio Cacto, Lighthouse and The Big Man, plus three ultra-short films called Charge the Dragon. Each episode uses different production technology and is in a different genre, but both their form and their content are related. All the episodes are about double standards and the topics of heroism and death. Something very small meets something very big (a tiny knight meets a huge dragon, an old Mexican goblin meets a man, a tiny Professor meets real-life cows, two mobsters meet the Big Man). All these meetings result in the heroic death of the small principal characters. Each script sees heroism and death differently.
Release Date : 2016-03-24
Language :Czech
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Total HelpArt T.H.A.Česká televizePubResR.U.R.AT StudioSoundsquare
Production Country : Czech RepublicSlovakia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name :
Original Name : Jan Budař
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Pavel Landovský
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Jan Bubeníček
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Ondřej Trojan
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Jiří Schwarz
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Denisa Grimmová Abrhámová
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Aleš Najbrt
Gender : Male
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