
A Dark Place


When a young boy turns up dead in a sleepy Pennsylvania town, a local sanitation truck driver, Donald, plays detective, embarking on a precarious and obsessive investigation to prove the boy was murdered.

Release Date : 2018-10-07

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Zero Gravity ManagementBedlam Productions

Production Country : United KingdomUnited States of America

Alternative Titles :


Andrew Scott

Character Name : Donald Devlin

Original Name : Andrew Scott

Gender : Male

Bronagh Waugh

Character Name : Donna Reutzel

Original Name : Bronagh Waugh

Gender : Female

Denise Gough

Character Name : Linda Connolly

Original Name : Denise Gough

Gender : Female

Michael Rose

Character Name : Sheriff Benjamin Mooney

Original Name : Michael Rose

Gender : Male

Sandra Ellis Lafferty

Character Name : Betty Devlin

Original Name : Sandra Ellis Lafferty

Gender : Female

Christa Beth Campbell

Character Name : Wendy Connelly

Original Name : Christa Beth Campbell

Gender : Female

Eric Mendenhall

Character Name : Bill Frankel

Original Name : Eric Mendenhall

Gender : Male

Andrew Masset

Character Name : Dr. Joel Pomorowski

Original Name : Andrew Masset

Gender : Male

Christian Finlayson

Character Name : Justin Zeigler

Original Name : Christian Finlayson

Gender : Male

Kate Forbes

Character Name : Patty Zeigler

Original Name : Kate Forbes

Gender : Female

Jason Davis

Character Name : Jerry Zeigler

Original Name : Jason Davis

Gender : Male

J.D. Evermore

Character Name : Cal Worbley

Original Name : J.D. Evermore

Gender : Male

Becky Wahlstrom

Character Name : Tara

Original Name : Becky Wahlstrom

Gender : Female

Tom Olson

Character Name : Funeral Director

Original Name : Tom Olson

Gender : Male

Griff Furst

Character Name : Max Himmler

Original Name : Griff Furst

Gender : Male

Bella Fraker

Character Name : Little Girl

Original Name : Bella Fraker

Gender : Male

Kevin Patrick Murphy

Character Name : Charlie

Original Name : Kevin Patrick Murphy

Gender : Male

Jared Bankens

Character Name : George Atzerodt

Original Name : Jared Bankens

Gender : Male

Cory Scott Allen

Character Name : Randy Helsel

Original Name : Cory Scott Allen

Gender : Male

Sean Freeland

Character Name : Repairman

Original Name : Sean Freeland

Gender : Male

Thomas Elliott

Character Name : Grumpy Security Guard

Original Name : Thomas Elliott

Gender : Male

Deadra Moore

Character Name : Receptionist

Original Name : Deadra Moore

Gender : Female

Eric Benson

Character Name : Burly Man

Original Name : Eric Benson

Gender : Male

Nolan Cook

Character Name : Tyler Zeigler

Original Name : Nolan Cook

Gender : Male

Gage Lawson

Character Name : (uncredited)

Original Name : Gage Lawson

Gender : Male

Catherine Dyer

Character Name : Mrs. Pomorski

Original Name : Catherine Dyer

Gender : Female






_**Secrets in a former steel town**_ In a small town outside Pittsburgh, an autistic trashman (Andrew Scott) is troubled by the death of a boy that he knew on his route. When he conducts his own guileless investigation it ruffles the feathers of certain people. What are they hiding? Bronagh Waugh plays his coworker, Denise Gough his ex-girlfriend and Michael Rose the Sheriff. "A Dark Place” (2018), originally titled “Steel Country,” is an unhurried drama/mystery that well captures life in an eastern American town. It’s a low-key character study, social commentary and possible murder mystery. "Sling Blade" (1996) is a good comparison, but this is thankfully more succinct. While it’s true that the protagonist’s amateur sleuthing acquires answers too easily, the story chooses to focus on the town atmosphere, the people and their relationships as opposed to excessive details of detective work, which works for me. I was really appreciating this movie until the beginning of the last act when we are asked to buy something radical that Donnie does and, as far as I can tell, totally gets away with since it’s conveniently forgotten. It’s so ridiculous that I was hoping it was just a dream but, no, I guess it really happened. On top of this is the unsavory nature of the root issue and murky insinuations of why it’s condoned. The film runs 1 hour, 28 minutes, and was shot in the area of Griffin, Georgia, which is a half hour drive south of Atlanta and definitely looks like Western Pennsylvania. GRADE: B-