


The films spans two decades as the story unfolds in a series of flashbacks that begin when Qiyue and Ansheng were just thirteen. The two became inseparable until they met a boy who ended up tearing their lives apart.

Release Date : 2016-09-23

Language :Mandarin

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : We Pictures LimitedAlibaba Pictures Group

Production Country : China

Alternative Titles : SoulMate


Zhou Dongyu

Character Name : Li Ansheng

Original Name : 周冬雨

Gender : Female

Ma Sichun

Character Name : Lin Qiyue

Original Name : 马思纯

Gender : Female

Toby Lee

Character Name : Su Jiaming

Original Name : Toby Lee

Gender : Male

Cai Gang

Character Name : Qiyue's Father

Original Name : Cai Gang

Gender : Male

Li Haofang

Character Name : Xiao Ansheng

Original Name : Li Haofang

Gender : Female

Cindy Yao

Character Name : Young Lin Qiyue

Original Name : Cindy Yao

Gender : Female

Liu Beige

Character Name : Jiaming's Colleague

Original Name : Liu Beige

Gender : Male

Li Ping

Character Name : Qiyue's Mother

Original Name : 李萍

Gender : Female






I would say this is a chick-flick but it really isn't. I would say this is your usual love triangle movie, which was what I was thinking about 30 minutes in. BUT it really wasn't. The plot line twisted into something that was completely creative, and did it so naturally that it was a surprise. The director is to be hugely credited, not just for his brilliant casting, but for everything else about this movie. The screenplay was fantastic. The real show was the two lead actresses. Their acting, their character, and their chemistry is at a level I haven't seen in a Western movie since I don't know when. In fact, they were both given the Golden Horse awards - that's the equivalent of the Academy handing out 2 Oscars for Best Actress for the same film. Unheard of, right? But it makes perfect sense here! Well done, ladies! Well.Done.