At the Masquerade Ball


A short comedy about the romance between Margaret and John. At a masked ball at the home of John's mother, Margaret is suspected of stealing jewellery. When the misunderstanding is cleared up, nothing more stands in the way of their romance.

Release Date : 1912-10-21

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


George Lessey

Character Name : Jack Van Rensellaer

Original Name : George Lessey

Gender : Male

Edna Flugrath

Character Name : Margaret - the Stenographer

Original Name : Edna Flugrath

Gender : Male

Mrs. William Bechtel

Character Name : Mrs. Van Rensellaer

Original Name : Mrs. William Bechtel

Gender : Female

Jessie McAllister

Character Name : Miss Betram - the Secretary

Original Name : Jessie McAllister

Gender : Female

Walter Edwin

Character Name : Henry Roberts

Original Name : Walter Edwin

Gender : Male


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