
The Skinny Alejandra


A conversation between the director of this film, Carmen Castillo and Marcia Merino, AKA La Flaca Alejandra who was one of the collaborators of Pinochet's secret police (the DINA) after being tortured by them. It was Merino who betrayed Castillo, who lost her new born child after being tortured. Almost twenty years later, Carmen Castillo returns to Chile after her exile to film this documentary, during a time in which Marcia Merino, on the court of justice, decided to give the names of her old bosses who worked with her on the DINA.

Release Date : 1994-09-15

Language :SpanishFrench

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : France 3Channel 4 TelevisionINA

Production Country : United KingdomChileFrance

Alternative Titles :


Carmen Castillo

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Carmen Castillo

Gender : Female

Marcia Merino

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Marcia Merino

Gender : Male


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