
Paintings in the Dark


Marcos is a 65 years old artist. He works in a gas station, depressed and annoyed with his life because he has never been able to exhibit his paintings. One day, Luis a young thief who's 13 years old, enters to his house thinking it was empty. Luis is the only one who knows about Marcos art. Suddenly, a kind of friendship starts between Luis and Marcos. And both begin to find new answers about life and art.

Release Date : 2017-10-22

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Twins Latin FilmsNiKo FilmRomanos FilmsAltamira Films

Production Country : GermanyArgentinaMexico

Alternative Titles :


Alvin Astorga

Character Name :

Original Name : Alvin Astorga

Gender : Male

Maico Pradal

Character Name :

Original Name : Maico Pradal

Gender : Male

Lide Uranga

Character Name :

Original Name : Lide Uranga

Gender : Male

Paula Fernández Mbarak

Character Name :

Original Name : Paula Fernández Mbarak

Gender : Female


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