

- One woman was to die at midnight!...another woman was to kill at the same hour...why?

Jury foreman Edward Weldon's questioning leads to the death sentence for Ethel Saxon. His daughter Stella claims to have killed her lover, the gangster Garboni, just as Saxon was to sit in the electric chair.

Release Date : 1934-03-07

Language :EnglishLatin

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : all star productions

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Call It Murder


Humphrey Bogart

Character Name : Gar Boni

Original Name : Humphrey Bogart

Gender : Male

Sidney Fox

Character Name : Stella Weldon

Original Name : Sidney Fox

Gender : Female

O. P. Heggie

Character Name : Edward Weldon

Original Name : O. P. Heggie

Gender : Male

Henry Hull

Character Name : Nolan

Original Name : Henry Hull

Gender : Male

Margaret Wycherly

Character Name : Mrs. Weldon

Original Name : Margaret Wycherly

Gender : Female

Lynne Overman

Character Name : Joe Biggers

Original Name : Lynne Overman

Gender : Male

Cora Witherspoon

Character Name : Elizabeth McGrath

Original Name : Cora Witherspoon

Gender : Female

Richard Whorf

Character Name : Arthur Weldon

Original Name : Richard Whorf

Gender : Male

Granville Bates

Character Name : Richard McGrath

Original Name : Granville Bates

Gender : Male

Katherine Wilson

Character Name : Ada Biggers

Original Name : Katherine Wilson

Gender : Male

Moffat Johnston

Character Name : District Attorney Plunkett

Original Name : Moffat Johnston

Gender : Male

Henry O'Neill

Character Name : Edgar V. Ingersoll

Original Name : Henry O'Neill

Gender : Male

Helen Flint

Character Name : Ethel Saxton

Original Name : Helen Flint

Gender : Female






Every expense has been spared with this truly mediocre crime drama. A woman is accused and convicted for murder, but as the evening before her comeuppance draws near, the foreman of the jury "Weldon" (OP Heggie) is being solicited to try and stop the execution. Quite what he was supposed to do is anyones guess, and so justice takes it's course. The plot, somewhat glacially, now moves on to a woman "Stella" (Sidney Fox) finding herself in a very similar situation - pleading a defence of crime passionnel. Guess what, though... she is the daughter of the aforementioned jury foreman. She has been charged with killing the rather unsavoury "Gar Boni" (Humphrey Bogart). Can she escape the same fate? The dialogue is delivered as if each were being individually cued, and despite his billing Bogart features hardly at all in what is otherwise a rather weakly directed and presented sob story in which I had no investment. Early talkie maybe, but all in all it's pretty unremarkable stuff.