
TRIO - The Hunt for the Holy Shrine

- Will they crack the code?

The curious Nora, Simen and Lars decide to start the hunt for the sacred Olav shrine in or around the medieval church Nidaros Dome, which has been gone for hundred of years. But they are not the only ones interested in finding the treasure.

Release Date : 2017-02-17

Language :Norwegian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : NordicStories AS

Production Country : Norway

Alternative Titles :


Naomi Hasselberg Thorsrud

Character Name : Nora

Original Name : Naomi Hasselberg Thorsrud

Gender : Female

Bjørnar Lysfoss Hagesveen

Character Name : Lars

Original Name : Bjørnar Lysfoss Hagesveen

Gender : Male

Henrik Hines Grape

Character Name : Simen

Original Name : Henrik Hines Grape

Gender : Male

Franziska Tørnquist

Character Name : Emma

Original Name : Franziska Tørnquist

Gender : Female

Reidar Sørensen

Character Name : Besten

Original Name : Reidar Sørensen

Gender : Male


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