Nenek Gayung
A mysterious grandmother appears and soon becomes the talk of the town. Known as 'Nenek Gayung' because she always carries a water dipper (gayung) and a pandan mat, which she uses to bathe her sacrifices. Many believe that if you encounter 'Nenek Gayung', you must not look or talk to her as it is rumoured that many have met their deaths after doing so. Who is actually this 'Nenek Gayung'? What does she want? And how can you save yourself from her clutches?
Release Date : 2012-04-19
Language :Indonesian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Duta
Original Name : Zacky Zimah
Gender : Male
Character Name : Dewi / Nenek Gayung
Original Name : Nikita Mirzani
Gender : Female
Character Name : Boim
Original Name : Yadi Sembako
Gender : Male
Character Name : Emak
Original Name : Yurike Prastica
Gender : Female
Character Name : Abas
Original Name : Joe Richard
Gender : Male
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