At Five in the Afternoon
Nogreh is a young Afghani woman living with her father and her sister-in-law, Leylomah, whose husband, Akhtar, is missing. Beyond the issue of Akhtar, Leylomah is most concerned with how to feed her baby. She cannot provide milk for her baby as her own hunger is preventing her from lactating. Nogreh, however, aspires toward a life in a western styled democracy. Although the Taliban are no longer in power in Afghanistan, traditional forces are still active in the country. Nogreh often displays signs of rebellion, such as wearing a pair of white pumps instead of the traditional slipper beneath her burqa. But mostly, Nogreh wants to be educated. Without her father's knowledge, Nogreh is attending a secular girls school. Ultimately, she wants to become President of Afghanistan. With the help of a Pakistani refugee who likes her as a woman, Nogreh tries to understand exactly what forces led to current world leaders being elected, those forces which she wants to emulate.
Release Date : 2003-05-16
Language :Persian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Bac FilmsWild BunchMakhmalbaf Film House Productions
Production Country : IranFrance
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Noqreh
Original Name : Agheleh Rezaie
Gender : Male
Character Name : The father
Original Name : Abdolgani Yousefrazi
Gender : Male
Character Name : The Poet
Original Name : Razi Mohebi
Gender : Male
Character Name : Leylomah
Original Name : Marzieh Amiri
Gender : Male
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