
A Night of Magic


London bachelor Reggie Bryant receives a most unusual gift from his uncle - an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus with a 3,000 year old princess inside. More amazing still, when Reggie lifts the lid, he finds not a dried-up old mummy, but a very gorgeous and nubile young blonde who identifies herself as Princess Raviola. Forgetting all about his fiance, Reggie and the Princess set off on a wild drinking and dancing escapade through the nightclubs of London. Wishing to return the favor, Princess Raviola whisks Reggie 3,000 years back in time to ancient Egypt, where she intends to show him how they partied in Pharaoh's Palace!

Release Date : 1944-04-06

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Berkeley Films

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Mariana Olive

Character Name : Princess Raviola

Original Name : Mariana Olive

Gender : Male

Robert Griffith

Character Name : Reggie Bryant

Original Name : Robert Griffith

Gender : Male

Gerald Pring

Character Name : Wilkins

Original Name : Gerald Pring

Gender : Male

Billy 'Uke' Scott

Character Name : Billy

Original Name : Billy 'Uke' Scott

Gender : Male

Elsa Tee

Character Name : Paula

Original Name : Elsa Tee

Gender : Female

Edith Trent

Character Name : Madam

Original Name : Edith Trent

Gender : Male


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