
Wiener Blut


An operetta with music by Johann Strauss II. However, he did not see the premiere. Wiener Blut is set at the time of the Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815, an international conference that sought to settle Europe after the upheavals of the Napoleonic Wars, and follows a traditional operetta plot full of mistaken identities. Count Balduin Zedlau, ambassador of the tiny court of Reuss-Schleiz-Greiz, is posted to Vienna. Count Zedlau is married but a real Don Juan always looking for a new encounter. Many of Strauss' compositions are used in the operetta although he did not specifically composed them for the operetta.

Release Date : 1972-05-01

Language :German

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Unitel

Production Country : Germany

Alternative Titles :


Ingeborg Hallstein

Character Name : Gräfin Zedlau

Original Name : Ingeborg Hallstein

Gender : Female

René Kollo

Character Name : Graf Zedlau

Original Name : René Kollo

Gender : Male

Dagmar Koller

Character Name : Franziska 'Franzi' Cagliari

Original Name : Dagmar Koller

Gender : Female

Benno Kusche

Character Name : Fürst Ypsheim

Original Name : Benno Kusche

Gender : Male

Helga Papouschek

Character Name : Pepi

Original Name : Helga Papouschek

Gender : Female

Fritz Muliar

Character Name : Kagler

Original Name : Fritz Muliar

Gender : Male

Ossy Kolmann

Character Name : Kutscher

Original Name : Ossy Kolmann

Gender : Male

Ferry Gruber

Character Name : Josef

Original Name : Ferry Gruber

Gender : Male


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