
The Postcard Killings


After suffering a personal tragedy, and desperate for justice, Jacob Kanon, a veteran New York City police detective, embarks on the search for a twisted killer who is leaving a bloody trail of elaborate murders across Europe.

Release Date : 2020-03-13

Language :DutchEnglishFinnishGermanRussianSwedish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Kjam MediaGood Films CollectiveHindsight MediaJames Patterson EntertainmentLipsync ProductionsKodak Motion PictureZDFWild Bunch GermanyMaze PicturesCapstone Pictures

Production Country : GermanyUnited KingdomUnited States of America

Alternative Titles :


Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Character Name : Jacob Kanon

Original Name : Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Gender : Male

Famke Janssen

Character Name : Valerie Kanon

Original Name : Famke Janssen

Gender : Female

Cush Jumbo

Character Name : Dessie Lombard

Original Name : Cush Jumbo

Gender : Female

Joachim Król

Character Name : Inspector Klaus Bublitz

Original Name : Joachim Król

Gender : Male

Steven Mackintosh

Character Name : Detective Inspector Rupert Pierce

Original Name : Steven Mackintosh

Gender : Male

Naomi Battrick

Character Name : Marina Haysmith / Sylvia Randolph

Original Name : Naomi Battrick

Gender : Female

Ruairí O'Connor

Character Name : Simon Haysmith / Mac Randolph

Original Name : Ruairí O'Connor

Gender : Male

Denis O'Hare

Character Name : Simon Haysmith

Original Name : Denis O'Hare

Gender : Male

Eva Röse

Character Name : Detective Sergeant Agneta Hoglund

Original Name : Eva Röse

Gender : Female

Lukas Loughran

Character Name : Detective Evert Ridderwall

Original Name : Lukas Loughran

Gender : Male

Dylan Devonald Smith

Character Name : Pieter Holl

Original Name : Dylan Devonald Smith

Gender : Male

Sallie Harmsen

Character Name : Nienke Holl

Original Name : Sallie Harmsen

Gender : Female

Orla O'Rourke

Character Name : Nancy

Original Name : Orla O'Rourke

Gender : Female

Christopher Pizzey

Character Name : Charles Hardwick

Original Name : Christopher Pizzey

Gender : Male

Tim Ahern

Character Name : Bill Brown

Original Name : Tim Ahern

Gender : Male

Martin Wenner

Character Name : Matts

Original Name : Martin Wenner

Gender : Male

Caroline Bartholdson

Character Name : Female Detective

Original Name : Caroline Bartholdson

Gender : Female

Daniel Sjöberg

Character Name : Male Detective

Original Name : Daniel Sjöberg

Gender : Male

Dana Blacklake

Character Name : Young Helsinki Reporter

Original Name : Dana Blacklake

Gender : Male

Celine Abrahams

Character Name : Airline Representative

Original Name : Celine Abrahams

Gender : Female

Leander Vyvey

Character Name : Detective Hunziker

Original Name : Leander Vyvey

Gender : Male

Ben Vinnicombe

Character Name : José Fernández

Original Name : Ben Vinnicombe

Gender : Male

Rose Etherington

Character Name : Young Sylvia

Original Name : Rose Etherington

Gender : Female

Jack Wheatley

Character Name : Young Mac

Original Name : Jack Wheatley

Gender : Male

Lisen Rosell

Character Name : Tilda

Original Name : Lisen Rosell

Gender : Male

Dionne Hernemar

Character Name : Jihan

Original Name : Dionne Hernemar

Gender : Male

Anna Jones

Character Name : Sky News Reporter

Original Name : Anna Jones

Gender : Female

Maryam Grace

Character Name : Kimberley Stevensen - London Murder Victim

Original Name : Maryam Grace

Gender : Female

Ryan O'Sullivan

Character Name : Thomas Stevensen - London Murder Victim

Original Name : Ryan O'Sullivan

Gender : Male

Rory Bray

Character Name : Anthony Santos - Madrid Murder Victim

Original Name : Rory Bray

Gender : Male

Clare Neave

Character Name : Donna Santos - Madrid Murder Victim

Original Name : Clare Neave

Gender : Female

Alex Field

Character Name : Munich Murder Victim #1

Original Name : Alex Field

Gender : Male

Tashienna Bookal

Character Name : Munich Murder Victim #2

Original Name : Tashienna Bookal

Gender : Male

Marcus St. Cyr

Character Name : Johannas Meltz - Belgium Murder Victim

Original Name : Marcus St. Cyr

Gender : Male

Ryan Hannaford

Character Name : Andrin Rinker - Belgium Murder Victim

Original Name : Ryan Hannaford

Gender : Male

Alex Joseph

Character Name : Zeeburg Murder Victim #1

Original Name : Alex Joseph

Gender : Male

Effie Digbori

Character Name : Zeeburg Murder Victim #2

Original Name : Effie Digbori

Gender : Male

Joacim Landin

Character Name : Police Officer / S.W.A.T. (uncredited)

Original Name : Joacim Landin

Gender : Male

Mattias Ng

Character Name : Swedish Police Officer (uncredited)

Original Name : Mattias Ng

Gender : Male

Sofia Perlgård

Character Name : Swedish Police Officer (uncredited)

Original Name : Sofia Perlgård

Gender : Female

Christian Jarder

Character Name : Man in Park

Original Name : Christian Jarder

Gender : Male






Generally I like these crime-dramas, which I is why I also watched CSI and Criminal Minds when they were on. However, this adaptation of the James Patterson/Liza Marklund novel has some editing problems and sloppy dialogue. There were a couple okay scenes that did surprise, otherwise it kind of plods along at a slow pace. If not for Jeffrey Dean Morgan, this would've been tough to sit through. **2.75/5**









When a young girl is murdered on her honeymoon, her devastated detective dad "Kanon" (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) joins in the investigation. It doesn't take long for him to discover - with the aid of Swedish journalist "Dessie" (Cush Jumbo) - that this is not an unique crime, even though the perpetrator leaves the bodies as if they were features in a famous work of art. Meantime, the young Naomi Battrick and Ruairi O'Connor are travelling thorough Europe on a train when they encounter the burly, tattooed "Pieter" (Dylan Devonald-Smith). Might they be in the same danger? The story has quite a few twists and turns, and were it in better hands with a better cast then it might have been, well, better... As it is, though, the more interesting aspects of the plot are seriously undercooked; it takes far too long for us to get going and the quality of the acting and the dialogue - pretty much across the board - is nothing special. Some nice scenery, I suppose, but despite his tragedy I just couldn't warm to "Kanon" nor to his underused wife "Valerie" (Famke Janssen). It's a standard television movie that passes the time, but nothing more.


Filipe Manuel Neto



**When the main problem is knowing too much too soon...** Serial killers will always be fodder for movies, good and bad. It's not worth quoting examples, anyone reading this has probably seen at least ten movies about serial killers. This is one more, based on original Scandinavian material that I've never seen, but I'd like to see it, and I'll try to find it. Honestly, I hope it's better than the movie I just saw... The film is not bad. Don't get me wrong. It has a good base premise: murders that imitate famous works of art all over Europe, with the father of one of the victims desperately trying to catch the culprit. But it's not at all original, it does the same things that we're tired of seeing in established films, and it doesn't manage to go beyond the usual recipe to offer us something that makes it stand out. And there is a huge problem that partially ruins the film: we discover the identity of those who are killing people too soon and, from there, it is only worth watching the film to see how the police will hunt down their target. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is a very solid and competent protagonist, able to commit himself and give the character the consistency and anguish that it demands. Undoubtedly, the actor's performance is a bonus in the film. Despite being heavily criticized, I think Famke Janssen wasn't that bad. She does have depressing moments and sometimes goes overboard, but she gives us a relatively satisfying job, and doesn't have many opportunities to really fail. Joachim Krol seems to be out of place and lost. Naomi Battrick is quite good, taking into account that she is not a frontline actress and has handled a character who demands a certain charisma and attitude; Ruairi O’Connor, honestly, cannot say he is happy, he erases himself even in scenes where he is more visible. Technically, it's a regular film without great merits, but it doesn't fail too much either: the European settings and landscapes, always pleasant no matter how commonplace they may be, are joined by standard cinematography and ordinary work on the costumes. Some well-crafted effects and a lukewarm soundtrack make for a cohesive and functional, if forgettable, whole.