
Memoirs of a Murderer


The movie begins in the year 1995 where there were 5 peculiar murder cases. The murderer would always get someone close to the victim to witness how he would strangle the victim from behind with a rope but he would let the witnesses go and speak to the media on how the murders happened. Ito plays the role of Makimura, the police detective who was in charge of investigating the serial murders but failed to catch the cunning murderer and his respected superior ended up being killed as well. 22 years later in 2017 when the case is nearing its statute of limitations, a man named Sonezaki claims to be the culprit for the 1995 murders and even publishes a book titled "Watashi ga satsujinhan desu" to talk about the cases. Despite the disgust towards Sonezaki's actions, the intensive attention showered on him via the media and SNS makes him become the talk of town.

Release Date : 2017-06-10

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Nippon Television Network CorporationRobot CommunicationsWOWOW FILMSHoriproYomiuri Telecasting CorporationdentsuKDDIjekiD.N. Dream PartnersKodanshaA-TeamGYAOSapporo Television Broadcasting CompanyMiyagi Television BroadcastingShizuoka Daiichi TelevisionChukyo TV Broadcasting CompanyHiroshima TelecastingFukuoka Broadcasting SystemWarner Bros. Japan

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles : Confession of MurderMemoirs of a Murderer


Tatsuya Fujiwara

Character Name : Masato Sonezaki

Original Name : 藤原竜也

Gender : Male

Hideaki Ito

Character Name : Wataru Makimura

Original Name : 伊藤英明

Gender : Male


Character Name : Miharu Kishi

Original Name : 夏帆

Gender : Female

Shuhei Nomura

Character Name : Takumi Onodera

Original Name : 野村周平

Gender : Male

Anna Ishibashi

Character Name : Rika Makimura

Original Name : 石橋杏奈

Gender : Female

Ryo Ryusei

Character Name : Shinji Kasukabe

Original Name : 竜星涼

Gender : Male

Taichi Saotome

Character Name : Jo Toda

Original Name : 早乙女太一

Gender : Male

Mitsuru Hirata

Character Name : Yukihiro Taki

Original Name : 平田満

Gender : Male

Ryo Iwamatsu

Character Name : Akihiro Yamagata

Original Name : 岩松了

Gender : Male

Koichi Iwaki

Character Name : Daisuke Tachibana

Original Name : 岩城滉一

Gender : Male

Toru Nakamura

Character Name : Toshio Sendo

Original Name : 仲村トオル

Gender : Male

Arata Yamanaka

Character Name :

Original Name : 山中アラタ

Gender : Male

Marika Matsumoto

Character Name : Minako Kawakita

Original Name : 松本まりか

Gender : Female


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