
What's for Dinner, Mom?


Two sisters Tae and Yo come back to their old house which is soon to be torn down. Clearing up the family mementos, Tae finds a red box full of recipes and letters written by their mother who died 20 years ago. In these recipes and letters, she finds out how her mother had struggled in her life due to relocation from Japan to Taiwan, the death of her Taiwanese husband, and a battle with cancer. Tae travels to Taiwan to trace her mother's past, reminiscing about the dishes she made for the family.

Release Date : 2016-09-20

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles : What‘s for Dinner Mom


Haruka Kinami

Character Name : Tae Hitoto

Original Name : 木南晴夏

Gender : Female

Izumi Fujimoto

Character Name : Yo Hitoto

Original Name : 藤本泉

Gender : Female

Michiko Kawai

Character Name : Kazueda Hitoto

Original Name : 河合美智子

Gender : Female

Wu Pong-Fong

Character Name : Hui Min Yan

Original Name : Wu Pong-Fong

Gender : Male

Masahiro Koumoto

Character Name : Hida

Original Name : 甲本雅裕

Gender : Male

Sow Hirosawa

Character Name : Harue

Original Name : 広澤草

Gender : Female

Shota Shunputei

Character Name : Asano

Original Name : 春風亭昇太

Gender : Male

Nana Takabatake

Character Name : Shihori Hida

Original Name : Nana Takabatake

Gender : Female

Mayu Hotta

Character Name :

Original Name : 堀田真由

Gender : Female


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