SpaceDisco One
- You'll believe the future does not exist...
"Spacedisco One" is a sequel to both "Logan's Run" and "1984" at the same time with Orwell's Winston Smith running into the daughters of Logan 5 and Francis 7 as they're busy running about a park firing off laser beams at one another. It's not until they meet that Winston realizes they're actually all fictional characters in a movie. When not discussing "Battlestar Galactica" with Stargirl 7 and Francis 8, Winston makes frequent visits to the Ministry of Truth - Universal CityWalk.
Release Date : 2007-10-19
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles : SpaceDisco-OneSpaceDisco-One: The MovieSpaceDisco: The Movie
Character Name : Stargirl 7
Original Name : Amanda Mullins
Gender : Male
Character Name : Francis 8
Original Name : DonnaMarie Recco
Gender : Female
Character Name : The Director
Original Name : Patrick Thomas
Gender : Male
Character Name : Winston Smith
Original Name : Robert Myers
Gender : Male
Character Name : Arthur Frain
Original Name : James Mathers
Gender : Male
Character Name : ILM FX Technician
Original Name : Christian Ackerman
Gender : Male
Character Name : Pris
Original Name : Erin Loggins
Gender : Male
Character Name : Skyla
Original Name : Amber Mullins
Gender : Male
Character Name : O'Brian
Original Name : Simon Prescott
Gender : Male
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