
Himouto! Umaru-chan: Umaru-chan One More Time!


Unaired special of “Himouto! Umaru-chan” included with the manga’s seventh compiled volume. After being tempted by a pillow on the television shopping channel, Umaru has a dream reminding her to appreciate the pillow she has. The next day, Umaru goes with Sylphnford to the convenience store where she tries to win a lottery prize. Later, Umaru and Taihei go wild at a yakiniku restaurant, unaware that Nana is at the next table over. At the start of October, Umaru and Kirie get into the Halloween spirit early, dressing up in costume and trying various pumpkin-based snacks. Afterwards, Umaru decides to fake a fever in order to skip school, only to be overcome by guilt.

Release Date : 2015-10-15

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Doga Kobo

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Aimi Tanaka

Character Name : Umaru Doma (voice)

Original Name : 田中あいみ

Gender : Female

Kenji Nojima

Character Name : Taihei Doma (voice)

Original Name : 野島健児

Gender : Male

Akari Kageyama

Character Name : Nana Ebina (voice)

Original Name : 影山灯

Gender : Female

Haruka Shiraishi

Character Name : Kirie Motoba (voice)

Original Name : 白石晴香

Gender : Female

Yurina Furukawa

Character Name : Sylphinford Tachibana (voice)

Original Name : 古川由利奈

Gender : Female

Hiroki Maeda

Character Name : Yukio Takematsu (voice)

Original Name : 前田弘喜

Gender : Male


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