


This is about a Little League coach Joe Finn, whose pursuit of fame and fortune leaves him with little but broken relationships-particularly with his son. Determined to win back his son and reunite other kids with their own all-too-absent fathers, Joe starts a new father-son baseball league. Dads are required to practice daily with their sons. Teams must follow "Joe's Rules" for baseball: players can lead off, no mandatory rotations, no ties, and games are played a full 9 innings or more. With only half a season left to produce a winning team, Joe's return to the purity of the game begins to transform everything, from Joe's own heart, to local prison inmates, to fathers and sons in neighboring towns... all because every boy needs a HERO.

Release Date : 2014-04-17

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles : Every Boy Needs A Hero


Burgess Jenkins

Character Name : Joe Finn

Original Name : Burgess Jenkins

Gender : Male

Mark Joy

Character Name : Fred

Original Name : Mark Joy

Gender : Male

Gregory Alan Williams

Character Name : Kent

Original Name : Gregory Alan Williams

Gender : Male

Justin Miles

Character Name : David

Original Name : Justin Miles

Gender : Male

Andrea Powell

Character Name : Amanda

Original Name : Andrea Powell

Gender : Female

Ashlee Payne

Character Name : Hannah

Original Name : Ashlee Payne

Gender : Female

Jim McKeny

Character Name : Hank

Original Name : Jim McKeny

Gender : Male


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