
Fags in the Fast Lane


Kitten calls her son Beau when her GILF bordello is robbed by a grotesque burlesque gang. A full- throttle, rock n rollin' feast of camp destruction and dangerous dance numbers ensues.

Release Date : 2017-04-01

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Australia

Alternative Titles :


Chris Asimos

Character Name : Beau

Original Name : Chris Asimos

Gender : Male

Oliver Bell

Character Name : Squirt

Original Name : Oliver Bell

Gender : Male

Puggsley Buzzard

Character Name : Chief

Original Name : Puggsley Buzzard

Gender : Male



Simon Foster

@Simon Foster


"The DNA of director Josh Sinbad Collins’ comedy/musical/splatter/soft-core romp would include the cult classic Flesh Gordon and the lo-fi genius of Mike and George Kuchar..." Read the full review here: http://screen-space.squarespace.com/reviews/2017/6/27/fags-in-the-fast-lane.html