
The Ward

- Only Sanity Can Keep You Alive!

Kristen, a troubled young woman, is captured by the police after burning down a farmhouse and is locked in the North Bend Psychiatric Hospital. Soon, she begins to suspect that the place has a dark secret at its core and she's determined to find out what it is.

Release Date : 2010-09-13

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : FilmNation EntertainmentPremiere PictureEcho Lake Entertainment

Production Country : United KingdomUnited States of America

Alternative Titles : John Carpenter's The Ward


Amber Heard

Character Name : Kristen

Original Name : Amber Heard

Gender : Female

Mamie Gummer

Character Name : Emily

Original Name : Mamie Gummer

Gender : Female

Danielle Panabaker

Character Name : Sarah

Original Name : Danielle Panabaker

Gender : Female

Jared Harris

Character Name : Dr. Stringer

Original Name : Jared Harris

Gender : Male


Character Name : Zoey

Original Name : Laura-Leigh

Gender : Female

Lyndsy Fonseca

Character Name : Iris

Original Name : Lyndsy Fonseca

Gender : Female

Mika Boorem

Character Name : Alice Hudson

Original Name : Mika Boorem

Gender : Female

Sydney Sweeney

Character Name : Young Alice Hudson

Original Name : Sydney Sweeney

Gender : Female

D.R. Anderson

Character Name : Roy

Original Name : D.R. Anderson

Gender : Male

Susanna Burney

Character Name : Nurse Lundt

Original Name : Susanna Burney

Gender : Male

Sean Cook

Character Name : Jimmy

Original Name : Sean Cook

Gender : Male

Jillian Kramer

Character Name : Ghost Alice

Original Name : Jillian Kramer

Gender : Male

Milos Milicevic

Character Name : Predator

Original Name : Milos Milicevic

Gender : Male

Sali Sayler

Character Name : Tammy

Original Name : Sali Sayler

Gender : Female

Mark Chamberlin

Character Name : Mr. Hudson

Original Name : Mark Chamberlin

Gender : Male

Andrea Petty

Character Name : Mrs. Hudson

Original Name : Andrea Petty

Gender : Female

Tracy Schornick

Character Name : Cop#1

Original Name : Tracy Schornick

Gender : Male

Kent Kimball

Character Name : Cop #2

Original Name : Kent Kimball

Gender : Male

Patrick Treadway

Character Name : 2nd Floor Nurse

Original Name : Patrick Treadway

Gender : Male

Bev Holsclaw

Character Name : Admitting nurse

Original Name : Bev Holsclaw

Gender : Male

Lonny W. Waddle

Character Name : Orderly (uncredited)

Original Name : Lonny W. Waddle

Gender : Male



John Chard

@John Chard


Listen, don't let this place get to you. You stay locked up long enough and you start to believe that you're nuts. After a gap of nine years, horror legend John Carpenter returned to the movie screen directors chair for this solid if unspectacular horror movie. Though some of the critical reactions to it stink of an over expectation for a return to his former glories, the plain fact is that it's just safe horror film making. Plot finds Amber Heard (The Stepfather/All the Boys Love Mandy Lane) as troubled arsonist Kristen. Shunted into a mental institution post haste, Kristen finds herself menaced by a violent ghost that seems intent on ridding the ward of all its female inhabitants. And there you have it, a bunch of hopelessly pretty girls (seriously, are all institutionalised girls good looking babes?) are stalked and killed by a female spirit who is dressed up in poor rubbery make up. The odd boo-jump comes and goes, making it not a complete dead loss on the scare front, while the cast are solid in performances and Carpenter shows some trade mark camera techniques to make certain scenes pulse with anxiety. It then hurries along to the big reveal, which sadly disappoints because it just comes off as something done far better in horror/thriller films previously. It was easy money for Carpenter, and us acolytes don't begrudge him that, while it isn't the embarrassment some have made it out to be, but it is average fare and not a great way for JC to bow out from horror movie making - director wise that is. 6/10