
The Ceiling


On the brink of divorce a middle aged man, Olavi, retreats to his cabin by the lake. After a few days he finds that the ceiling has come down making him unable to stand up straight. His friend Tuomas arrives and insists that something has to be done whereas Olavi is content with the limited space.

Release Date : 2018-03-15

Language :Finnish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : TACK Films

Production Country : Finland

Alternative Titles :


Pekka Strang

Character Name : Tuomas

Original Name : Pekka Strang

Gender : Male

Inna Bodson

Character Name : Pipsa

Original Name : Inna Bodson

Gender : Male

Juho Milonoff

Character Name : Olavi

Original Name : Juho Milonoff

Gender : Male

Iida-Maria Heinonen

Character Name : Tuulianna

Original Name : Iida-Maria Heinonen

Gender : Female


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