Death Bed
- The Bed Is Waiting…
Death Bed is an uncomplicated story about a complicated man who is just about at the end of his life. Stricken with a terminal illness, Jefferey is visited by his friends and family who try to reconnect with him before his inevitable end. Warm and reflective moments turn into course and combative exchanges between Jefferey and his loved ones. With him as the catalyst, Jefferey verbally and emotionally abuses his faithful girlfriend, oppressive mother, estranged sister, and even the visiting nurse who tends to him. When his mother brings Fr. Nicholas to see him 'before it's too late', the ensuing chaos couldn't make things any worse . . . until Jefferey realizes that he is the only one who didn't know that he's dying.
Release Date : 2009-01-01
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Father Nicholas
Original Name : Gerard Adimando
Gender : Male
Character Name : Maralyn
Original Name : Elisabeth Carlton
Gender : Male
Character Name : Monica
Original Name : Layla Edwards
Gender : Male
Character Name : Andrew
Original Name : Lazzarus Powell
Gender : Male
Character Name : Jefferey
Original Name : Corey Roberts
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mom
Original Name : Weez Tomlinson
Gender : Male
Character Name : Nurse Lee
Original Name : Mala Wright
Gender : Female
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