The Bridge of San Luis Rey
- Five lives bound by one fate.
The Bridge of San Luis Rey is American author Thornton Wilder's second novel, first published in 1927 to worldwide acclaim. It tells the story of several interrelated people who die in the collapse of an Inca rope-fiber suspension bridge in Peru, and the events that lead up to their being on the bridge. A friar who has witnessed the tragic accident then goes about inquiring into the lives of the victims, seeking some sort of cosmic answer to the question of why each had to die.
Release Date : 2004-12-22
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Tribeca ProductionsPembridge PicturesScion FilmsMovisionSpice FactoryDavis FilmsMetropolitan FilmexportFine Line FeaturesKanZaman ProductionsSenator International
Production Country : FranceSpainUnited KingdomUnited States of America
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Brother Juniper
Original Name : Gabriel Byrne
Gender : Male
Character Name : Viceroy of Peru
Original Name : F. Murray Abraham
Gender : Male
Character Name : The Marquesa
Original Name : Kathy Bates
Gender : Female
Character Name : Archbishop of Peru
Original Name : Robert De Niro
Gender : Male
Character Name : Uncle Pio
Original Name : Harvey Keitel
Gender : Male
Character Name : Camila Villegas (La Perichola)
Original Name : Pilar López de Ayala
Gender : Female
Character Name : Manuel
Original Name : Mark Polish
Gender : Male
Character Name : Esteban
Original Name : Michael Polish
Gender : Male
Character Name : Pepita
Original Name : Adriana Domínguez
Gender : Female
Character Name : The Abbess
Original Name : Geraldine Chaplin
Gender : Female
Character Name : His Excellency's Fop
Original Name : Dominique Pinon
Gender : Male
Character Name : Captain Alvarado
Original Name : John Lynch
Gender : Male
Character Name : Doña Clara
Original Name : Émilie Dequenne
Gender : Female
Character Name : Dona Clara's Husband
Original Name : Samuel Le Bihan
Gender : Male
Character Name : The King of Spain
Original Name : Jim Sheridan
Gender : Male
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