


Seventeen-year-olds Miku and Elias find themselves, and each other, during a summer in the Finnish countryside.

Release Date : 2018-11-30

Language :Finnish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Ten Thousand HeartsMSE Studio

Production Country : Finland

Alternative Titles :


Mikko Kauppila

Character Name : Miku

Original Name : Mikko Kauppila

Gender : Male

Valtteri Lehtinen

Character Name : Elias

Original Name : Valtteri Lehtinen

Gender : Male

Marlene Dumas

Character Name : Party girl

Original Name : Marlene Dumas

Gender : Male

Jukka Federley

Character Name : Siivooja

Original Name : Jukka Federley

Gender : Male

Juho Keskitalo

Character Name : Sebu

Original Name : Juho Keskitalo

Gender : Male

Sanna Majuri

Character Name : Minna

Original Name : Sanna Majuri

Gender : Female

Sami Huhtala

Character Name : Jaakko

Original Name : Sami Huhtala

Gender : Male

Amanda Virolainen

Character Name : Sini

Original Name : Amanda Virolainen

Gender : Male

Mirja Oksanen

Character Name : Veera

Original Name : Mirja Oksanen

Gender : Female

Kaisa Saarakkala

Character Name : Sanna

Original Name : Kaisa Saarakkala

Gender : Male






This is way too long, but it still offers quite a watchable look at the lives of two teenagers who don't have their demons to seek, and who manage to bring out the best, and some honesty, from each other. "Miku" (Mikko Kauppila) and his brother "Sebu" (Juho Keskitalo) have a party at which their parent's house gets pretty trashed. His dad is pretty laid back, but his mother is livid and so off to a remote cabin they go for the summer vacation. Initially bored, "Miku" meets up with the handsome "Elias" (Valtteri Lehtinen), a confident lad who knows exactly what he wants from his new friend. It doesn't take them long, nor are we left in any doubt as to the nature (no need for nurture here) of the rest of the story. It does offer us a little depth to their characters, with the harridan of a mother actually having a few mitigating worries of her own, and with the former having both a mother and a sister who might give cause for concern. It's too dialogue heavy, and the sex scenes are photographed in such a clumsy fashion as to really stifle the natural nature of the story. That said, the scenery is beautiful, there is a bit of comedy to lighten the mood now and again, and the two young men offer us just enough to keep it going.