


Set 3 years after the drama series. Kitano Yuichiro comes to give a lecture in the town where divorcee Sasamoto Sawa now lives quietly. The two meet again and their love story continue.

Release Date : 2017-06-10

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : TOHO

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles : Hirugao: Love Affairs in the Afternoon


Aya Ueto

Character Name : Sawa Sasamoto

Original Name : 上戸彩

Gender : Female

Takumi Saitoh

Character Name : Yuichiro Kitano

Original Name : 斎藤工

Gender : Male

Ayumi Ito

Character Name : Noriko Kitano

Original Name : 伊藤歩

Gender : Female

Hiroyuki Hirayama

Character Name : Naoto Sugisaki

Original Name : 平山浩行

Gender : Male

Asuka Kurosawa

Character Name : Kinue Tajiri

Original Name : 黒沢あすか

Gender : Female

Minori Hagiwara

Character Name : Ayu Matsumoto

Original Name : 萩原みのり

Gender : Female

Kotaro Shiga

Character Name : Professor Sakagami

Original Name : 志賀廣太郎

Gender : Male

Masaki Miura

Character Name : Detective Sakurai

Original Name : 三浦誠己

Gender : Male

Kiyohiko Shibukawa

Character Name : Fishmonger

Original Name : 渋川清彦

Gender : Male

Daigo Matsui

Character Name : Ice Shop Owner

Original Name : 松居大悟

Gender : Male

Ikuji Nakamura

Character Name : Noriko's Father

Original Name : 中村育二

Gender : Male

Maharu Nemoto

Character Name :

Original Name : Maharu Nemoto

Gender : Female


Character Name :

Original Name : 未来

Gender : Female






You'd think there was room for this deep dive into human desires and the messiness of relationships, but the drama just stumbled into this predictable mess of melodrama and characters you could barely see through. The characters were supposedly torn apart by the whole moral dilemma of their sneaky affairs but they did the bare minimum in that regard. Even the romantic tension felt too forced, superficial and lacking. The drama would've benefited from focusing on the main infidelity only. In comparison, all the previous points also applies to the KR version except that they were less drastic and detached than this one.