ActionScience FictionHorror



A story of broken humanity following the invasion of a technologically superior alien species. Bleak, harrowing, and unrelenting, the humans must find enough courage to go on fighting.

Release Date : 2017-06-14

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Oats Studios

Production Country : Canada

Alternative Titles : Oats Studios - Volume 1 - Rakka


Sigourney Weaver

Character Name : Jasper

Original Name : Sigourney Weaver

Gender : Female

Eugene Khumbanyiwa

Character Name : Amir

Original Name : Eugene Khumbanyiwa

Gender : Male

Robert Hobbs

Character Name : Carl

Original Name : Robert Hobbs

Gender : Male

Carly Pope

Character Name : Sarah

Original Name : Carly Pope

Gender : Female

Brandon Auret

Character Name : Nosh

Original Name : Brandon Auret

Gender : Male

Michael Huff

Character Name : Politician

Original Name : Michael Huff

Gender : Male

Jay Anstey

Character Name : Woman Bomber

Original Name : Jay Anstey

Gender : Female

Alec Gillis

Character Name : Militia #1

Original Name : Alec Gillis

Gender : Male






** Spoilers ** Neill Blomkamp created a world that feels about as hopeless as I've ever seen in a movie. I often find films where a much weaker force wins against a stronger force to be difficult to take seriously, so the bleakness of humanity's situation in Rakka was fairly refreshing. I wish we learned more who the saviors at the end of part 1 were. To my knowledge they are mentioned and then the point is forgotten, instead focusing on Amir's precognitive abilities. The special effects were very good, which accentuated all of the disgusting things that the Klum do to humans in the movie. Rakka is aesthetically very well done and I certainly won't be forgetting it anytime soon.