

- Take a trip down memory lane...

The movie chronicles the arrival of a (Hindu) student to a strict all-boys Christian boarding school in India and his assimilation into the school. The change is quite dramatic to the protagonist and there are a lot of events that could look extremely abusive to the viewer.

Release Date : 1999-10-07

Language :EnglishHindi

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : India

Alternative Titles :


Rohan Dey

Character Name : Rajesh Naidu

Original Name : Rohan Dey

Gender : Male

Nandita Das

Character Name : Lily Vegas

Original Name : Nandita Das

Gender : Female

Nagesh Kukunoor

Character Name : Johnny Mathhew

Original Name : Nagesh Kukunoor

Gender : Male

Jayant Kripalani

Character Name : Brother Lawrence

Original Name : Jayant Kripalani

Gender : Male

Soumyarka Gupta

Character Name : Ravi

Original Name : Soumyarka Gupta

Gender : Male

Ulrika Krishnamurti

Character Name : Malati

Original Name : Ulrika Krishnamurti

Gender : Female

Imran Mirza

Character Name :

Original Name : Imran Mirza

Gender : Male

Shilpa Pai

Character Name : Shariyar

Original Name : Shilpa Pai

Gender : Female


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